This is the second article in the Lotto Lies series. This article is about a single word; the word Random. The word ‘Random’ is so misunderstood and misused, that I consider its meaning to be a Lottery Secret. So, read on and all will be revealed.
Lotto Lie #2 – The lottery is arandomgame of chance.
What does this sentence mean? Let’s break it down. The words ‘game of chance’ refers to the fact that probabilities are involved. People all over the world play games of chance every day. Professional gamblers do too, and are quite good at it. Professional gamblers are successful because they thoroughly understand the game and they are experts at applying the laws of probability.
There are some who believe that the phrase ‘game of chance’ is simple code for ‘you’re going to lose’. But, Professional Gamblers know that it means ‘Opportunity’. This is true for all games of chance including the lottery. Yes, you can improve your chances of winning the lottery.
The definition of the word random is, “a process of selection in which each item of a set has an equal probability of being chosen.” If it were actually possible to implement this definition in the real world then:
Let’s Flip a Coin
Case in point: A coin is flipped 100 times. The results are 65 Heads and 35 Tails; an almost 50-50 chance of getting a head or tail. So, it’s pretty much norm to say things like, “If I were to flip a coin again, I would probably win.” Or even worse, “If I were to do this again, I would probably lose.” But the question is, what actually happens? The coin loses many times in a row, and thensequently enough Easily for me to win big?
Don’t believe me? Well, if you’ve been in a casino, you know that the players that lose continuously are quickly becoming Blackjacks. So, what is the explanation? As with the coin, casinos aren’t obliged to accept this argument, but I can tell you from experience that they will if they want you to.
The Law of Probability
We know that the roll of the dice providesOffense to the Gambler. We also know that the house does not have a great advantage over the player. Based on this, why should the player accept a game of chance? Simply, because it’s his money that he’s playing with and he pays the price for your entertainment.
Gamblers, by definition, are productive risk-takers. This is productiveness because it’s easy, even tempting, to accept the argument that you can improve your chances of winning. But, you’ve got to realise that the probability of losing on every throw of the dice is still pretty high.
The gambling cycle
You see, the argument that you can improve your chances of winning isn’t really that great an argument when you think about it in the long term. Serious lottery players, Casino owners and sports bettors all accept that the probability of hitting a jackpot is stillJesus. The only problem is thatJesus doesn’t think it’sthathard. rational gamblers and casino owners realise that there are bigger fish to fry and have fun with. They’ve got bigger fish to fry. And they usually do . . .
By the time you finish this article, you will understand that a winning craps system is more about placing bets on as many numbers as possible, with as much money as possible, in as many situations as possible, with as much discipline as you can carry yourself but realise that the probability of losing will always be eventual. No system is foolproof but the fact that the possibility remains, doesn’t mean you should accept it and continue to gamble. The fact that the probability remains, doesn’t mean you should become disaster.
The fact that the probability remains, doesn’t mean that the effect will always occur. Roulette has a probability of 47.7% (although this was smaller when the game was invented, the probability of someone hitting a red number is 47.6%) and the house edge is 2.7%. The probability and the effect on your bank are the two factors that make probability into an effect.
Knowing how to calculate the house edge on a dice game is not going to improve your chances of winning. However knowing the probability of a red number hitting will be 47.3%. This can be Unluckily accurate!
Where money comes from
money doesn’t from anywhere else, it must be from somewhere! Money doesn’t come from nothing. I saw a Rich guy on television (if you can call him a TV personality) saying that he didn’t want to play in any more games where the casino or Keluaran SGP made more money out of the players.